Investment opportunities within the continental U.S. that provide reliable returns to our partners and investors.
With a focus on multi-family real estate assets in high-growth cities, we source off-market opportunities through our network of Real Estate professionals to find the best opportunities before they reach the open market. We then conservatively analyze and stress-test each opportunity to determine if it meets our minimum criteria. If it does, we submit an offer and sign a purchase sale agreement.
Once we have signed a purchase and sale agreement, we begin the due diligence period. This is when we physically inspect each asset to ensure we will be able to execute our business strategy. This is also the time when we present opportunities to investors since we have enough evidence that we can reliably meet our projected returns. Once all investors have signed a subscription agreement for the offering, we close on the asset and initiate our business strategy.
After closing, we work with experienced property managers and contractors to determine each asset's highest and best use then renovate the assets. This renovation will include apartment interiors, building exterior and associated amenities for the apartment community. This ensures that we obtain the maximum value for each asset and can provide returns for a period of 3-5 (or more) years. After this period, we return capital to our investors as well as their share of all profits from the sale. This gives investors the opportunity to reinvest with us to earn even greater returns.

Great investments for greater people.